Media Coverage of UVM Administrator Salaries

Jun. 2, 2014—Letter to the Editor: UVM must rise above myth of 'market forces' (Burlington Free Press)

Apr. 29, 2014—Editorial: Instruction, not construction: In the face of lecturer cuts, the Vermont Cynic aptly asserts that UVM needs to focus on teaching (Vermont Cynic - archived here)

Apr. 12, 2014—Editorial: UVM must consider consequences of executive compensation; “market rate” argument feeds cycle of escalating pay.(Burlington Free Press - archived here)

Apr. 11, 2014—Administrative salaries for new hires continue to rise. (Burlington Free Press)

Feb. 7, 2014—Letter to the Editor compares Athletic Director’s $35,000 raise to Provost’s $105,000 increase over his predecessor’s salary. (Burlington Free Press)

Jan. 28, 2014—The Administration “did not dispute” widening salary gap between administrators and the rest of UVM. (VPR)

Jan. 21 2014—UVM Athletic Director’s new annual base salary is $235,000 (Vermont Cynic -archived here)

Jan. 8, 2014—The Administration did not announce Athletic Director’s $35,000 raise until served a public records request. (Burlington Free Press)

Dec. 29, 2013—UVM’s Athletic Director, who oversaw major cuts that eliminated the baseball and softball programs, gets $35,000-per-year raise.(Burlington Free Press)

July 12, 2013—As expected, Pres. Sullivan’s reorganization led to executive salary increases. (Burlington Free Press)

May 22, 2013—Editorial: Provost’s salary shows board forgot “accountability and fiscal responsibility” they “swore they learned” after criticism of Pres. Fogel’s severance.(Burlington Free Press)

Apr. 17, 2013—Pres. Sullivan announces a reorganization of top UVM executives, prompting questions about compensation.(Burlington Free Press)

Feb. 19, 2013—When Provost Knodell stepped down, she began an 18-month paid “transition”: six months at her $270,000 provost salary rate plus a 12-month “administrative leave” at $150,234. (Burlington Free Press)

Aug. 5, 2012—An in-depth look at the chart-topping salaries received by UVM administrators who return to professorship. (Burlington Free Press)

July 18, 2012—New A&S Dean’s salary is $250,000, vs. $192,280 for his predecessor; the search cost over $147,000. (Burlington Free Press)

July 13, 2012—As predicted, Pres. Sullivan’s nominal salary as a political science professor is more than $40,000 higher than the next highest salary in his department. (Burlington Free Press)

Feb. 7, 2012—Faculty, staff, and students upset over executive compensation ahead of the announcement of Pres. Sullivan’s hire. (VT Digger)

Nov. 23, 2011— Opinion: Pres. Bramley is out of touch, defending his $325,000 salary while claiming that UVM gives “excellent value for the money”. (VT Digger)

Sep. 2011—UVM’s “perverse priorities” in raising administrative salaries while cutting teaching and research make national news in this perceptive analysis of administrative bloat. (Washington Monthly)

Aug. 31, 2011—UA Pres. Shiman to Trustees: Board “should be ashamed and embarrassed” by Pres. Fogel’s severance deal. (Vermont Cynic - archived here)

Aug. 12, 2011—ABC News (national): UVM severance scandal “has many outraged”; Trustees Chair Cioffi says Pres. package “not at all out of line.” (ABC News - archived here)

Aug. 12, 2011—Gov. Shumlin says he is angry about Pres. Fogel’s and Associate VP Schultz’s severance packages.(VT Digger)

Aug. 11, 2011—Pres. Fogel declines Gov’s suggestion to set aside some of his severance for student scholarships to put UVM “back in the good graces of Vermonters.” (Seven Days)

Aug. 10, 2011— “Public outrage” over outgoing Pres. Fogel’s $600,000-plus severance package and $195,000 post-administrative faculty salary. (Seven Days)

Aug. 3, 2011— Gov. Shumlin, legislator criticize Pres. Fogel’s excessive severance package; suggest Leg. should re-think UVM’s appropriation. (Seven Days)

July 27, 2011—United Academics criticizes Pres. Fogel’s excessive severance package. (Seven Days - archived by Wayback Machine)

June 15, 2011—Readers weigh in on excessive number, pay, and profligacy of UVM administrators. (Seven Days)

Mar. 29, 2011—Salaries for new Bus. Dean & his spouse total 1/2 million as UVM looks for budget cuts. (Vermont Cynic - archived here)

Mar. 28, 2011—Faculty Senate: Bus. Dean salary “out of line,” threatens academic mission. (Burlington Free Press)

Mar. 6, 2011—New Business Dean gets second-highest University salary, behind only Pres. Fogel. (

Mar. 5, 2011—New Business Dean has $320,000 salary, “first-class negotiating skills”. (Burlington Free Press)

Apr. 8, 2009—Rep. Turner tries to withhold stimulus money to compel UVM administrators to repay recent bonuses and undergo an audit. (Seven Days)

Feb. 25, 2009—Big bonuses outrage UVM community (WCAX)

Nov. 23, 2005—UVM’s 19 VP’s: what they do and what they’re paid. [Though these salaries now seem quaint, admin pay has been raising questions for over a decade.] (Seven Days