Run for Office
Delegates Assembly: The Delegates Assembly proposes actions and resolutions and reviews and ratifies major decisions of the Executive Council. Delegates are elected from and represent UVM’s academic units (such as Arts and Sciences, CEMS, Rubenstein, Libraries, Nursing). The Delegates Assembly also works with the negotiating team to ensure that faculty interests and concerns from the different academic units are well represented in collective bargaining.
Executive Council: At the center of United Academics is the Executive Council, whose members include the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 4 members at-large including a member from the part-time faculty unit. Officers are elected every two years by United Academics members, and and have primary responsibility for key decisions such as appointing a negotiating team to represent UVM faculty in the collective bargaining process.
Contact UA’s Executive Director for information about any office.
Contact UVM Decision Makers
Join A Committee
Get involved during contract negotiations
The Bargaining Team team is appointed by the Executive Council, and negotiates the contract with representatives of the UVM administration.
Members of the 2025 Part Time Bargaining Team:
Katherine Elmer (Lead Negotiator); Clyde Stats; Jenna Emerson; Katlyn Morris (UA staff)