Have a question or concern about an employment matter?

If you have a question about your rights and responsibilities under the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), please contact the Contract Administration Committee. The Contract Administration Committee (CAC) is ready to listen and offer advice based on the CBA. If you suspect your rights have been violated, the CAC can help with the grievance process. The CAC helps UA members and non-members alike, and your communication with the CAC will be held in the strictest confidence. Click here to use a confidential online form

CAC Reports

CAC Report 2022-23

CAC Report Summer 2021-Summer 2022

CAC Report Spring 2021

CAC Report Spring/Fall 2020

CAC Report Fall 2019

CAC Report Spring 2019

CAC Report Fall 2018

The Contract Administration Committee

The Contract Administration Committee is a standing committee of United Academics. The committee works collaboratively on matters related to contract administration and enforcement. All faculty members should be aware that when they have a question about employment matters at the University of Vermont —such as salary, workload, promotions, sabbaticals, and renewal—they should contact the CAC. This assistance is made available to members of the bargaining unit without regard to membership or non-membership in United Academics.

When possible, the CAC works with administration counterparts to address problems in contract implementation, to avoid situations that might need to be resolved through the grievance process. Many such situations have to date been satisfactorily resolved. However, when it becomes necessary to file a grievance, the committee will represent and advise faculty throughout the grievance process.

Be assured that any concerns you bring to the CAC are kept in confidence. (However, if you decide to file a formal grievance, your name will become known to the University.) If you are uncertain about whether or not your issue falls under the purview of the CAC, please do not hesitate to contact us.

While the CAC does seek advice of UA's attorney when necessary, most contract administration and grievance matters can be and are handled with the able assistance of our staff. Processing grievances does not include provision of direct legal advice, as doing so is not the normal way grievances are handled in academic collective bargaining, nor is there any legal requirement to provide such legal services. An individual member is free to contact an attorney; however, be advised that United Academics does not provide financial reimbursement if such contact is made.

A Few Examples of Recent Grievances

Below are several recent grievances our Contract Administration Committee has filed that do not contain confidential information and do not name any grievants. Since these affect most or all of the bargaining unit, we are sharing the full grievances here. These are ongoing cases and will likely take months to resolve. We will inform members with any updates as the grievance process progresses.