UA Vice President John Forbes Remarks to the Board of Trustees

Good Morning.  My name is John Forbes, I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and the Vice President of United Academics.

The faculty that United Academics represents is the soul of UVM, and want UVM to be the best institution that it can be.  To that end, we are dedicated to providing high quality, personalized, affordable education to our students.

Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions.   In our contract negotiations, we have tried in good faith to work to improve both of these conditions.  A demoralized faculty inevitably affects student interactions and student retention, issues we all care deeply about.  Faculty strongly support the principles outlined in “Our Common Ground” and strive to put them into action every day.  We would, however, like to draw your attention to significant challenges regarding two of its principles: respect and justice. 

Faculty faces a three-tier hierarchy:  tenured faculty, full-time lecturers, and part-time lecturers.  Our lecturers comprise one-third of the faculty, but teach one-half of the courses. 

Most of them have the terminal degrees, yet they receive less money for doing more teaching than do tenured faculty, and the administration’s latest contract offer would represent no raise for some of those lecturers. Many do not even have an office and are forced to meet with their students in public spaces on campus. Until United Academics started bargaining in 2003, they had no job security at all. A decade later, despite our best efforts, most have little more security than a two-year contract provides. 

A large percentage of our lecturers have taught at UVM for years, have deep roots in the university and our community, yet they must live in fear of a non-renewal letter because of “no further need.”  Even if they are renewed it may be at less than full-time, which affects not only salary and benefits, but also their level of commitment and student interaction.

The most egregious recent example of such a termination is the case of Kevin Thornton, a historian at UVM for fifteen years, who had been promoted to Senior Lecturer and nominated for the prestigious Kroepsch-Maurice Award, both signs of his excellence in the classroom.  Dr. Thornton’s forced departure has left the History Department without a teacher of American Civil War history.

Like many lecturers, he has an active scholarly agenda that currently focuses on Andrew Harris, whom the university is now celebrating as the first African American graduate of UVM.  Dr. Thornton first alerted the administration to this fact in January 2014, but his contribution was not acknowledged in any campus announcements.  The Harris story exemplifies the unacceptable situation in which many of our lecturers find themselves. 

United Academics is proud to sponsor a lecture on Andrew Harris by Kevin Thornton on October 29, at 4 pm in Memorial Lounge.  We invite all of you to join us for this lecture.

Faculty, Students and Staff Rally at the Board of Trustees Meeting

Shortly before 11:00 AM on Friday, October 17, a large and enthusiastic, but orderly group of faculty, staff and students made their concerns known to the UVM Board of Trustees. United Academics took a stand for justice for faculty, supported by the UVM Student Union, VSEA United Staff and others, because Faculty Working Conditions are Our Students' Learning Conditions. Student Climate Culture exhorted the Board to divest UVM from the fossil fuel industry. VSEA United Staff called for a fair union election without interference or intimidation Faculty, Students and Staff all stood in solidarity, united by a common call for justice at UVM. Together, we are the University!

Dennis Mahoney's essay about Kevin Thornton

Doing Justice to Andrew Harris – and Kevin Thornton


Behind every headline is a history that bears further investigation. That’s also true for the Burlington Free Press’s headline of April 19, 2014: “Long forgotten, UVM’s 1st black graduate gets his due.”


            As Tim Johnson reported last spring, the University of Vermont administration has pledged to recognize Andrew Harris (UVM Class of 1838), its first African-American graduate. But in the meantime, Kevin Thornton, the Senior Lecturer at UVM whose research established Harris as a standout figure in our university’s and state’s history, has been shown the door.


In statements to the student newspaper and Vermont Public Radio, the administration claimed budget woes, adding that Lecturer positions such as that held by Thornton are “not expected to be permanent.” For the record: Kevin Thornton first joined UVM in 1998 and had taught full-time since 2006.


It’s not that UVM no longer needs Kevin Thornton. Based on his record of superior teaching, his colleagues in History and in the College of Arts and Sciences were unanimous in promoting him to Senior Lecturer in 2012; he also had been nominated for the prestigious Kroepsch-Maurice Award for Excellence in Teaching. With his dismissal, the university has lost its sole historian of the U.S. Civil War, one of the most critical times in American History and the focus of exhibits this fall at the Fleming Museum.


Does this mean that UVM can’t afford to teach about the Civil War?  That seems unlikely, as Kevin Thornton's entire salary for teaching seven heavily-enrolled courses a year was less than the raises UVM recently has given to incoming top administrators, compared with their predecessors.


Meanwhile, the audit of university finances commissioned by United Academics, UVM’s faculty union, raises questions about why the administration claims a budget gap at all. Over the past decade, that audit finds, the university’s unrestricted net assets—that is, its savings account, independent of restricted endowment funds—have grown close to $137 million.


After more than a decade of delay by its own admission, the university is finally poised to celebrate Andrew Harris as a pioneering champion of African-American equality—a pioneer who, as Thornton’s research also reveals, endured the hostility of classmates and administrators as he worked to obtain his degree.


 As we understand it, Kevin Thornton has received a (belated) invitation to the ceremony that will be taking place between 3 and 4 pm on Thursday, October 16, 2014 alongside the recently installed commemorative plaque on the 3rd floor of the Waterman Building. But this justice deferred for Andrew Harris will continue to be justice denied if the historian who made sure Harris would be remembered at UVM is no longer teaching on campus.


            The reinstatement of Kevin Thornton as Senior Lecturer would be an excellent way for UVM to demonstrate its commitment to the values of Integrity and Justice that it proclaims in its statement on “Our Common Ground” (


In the meantime, we at United Academics invite you to attend the lecture that Kevin Thornton will be giving on “Andrew Harris and UVM: 1835-2014” at 4pm on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 in the Memorial Lounge of UVM’s Waterman Building (Waterman 338).


Dennis Mahoney is a Professor of German


UVM Unions on the Radio

Why UVM Staff are organizing for a voice@work

Our colleagues at VSEA United Staff are featured on Traven Leyshon's most recent Equal Time Radio show. Click the link above to go to a podcast of the show.

Sarah Goodrich and Jennifer Larsen discuss why UVM staff are organizing their union. Assisted by the Vermont State Employees’ Association, staff have petitioned the Vermont Labor Relations Board to schedule an election so the nearly 800 non-teaching personnel at UVM can make needed improvements at UVM through wining union recognition. As union members, staff would have a legally enforceable right to bargain with the administration around key issues like wages, benefits, working conditions, and fair discipline. Staff deserve the right to bargain for a fair contract, to be treated with respect, and to have their expertise valued. While UVM's top administrators are warning faculty and staff to prepare for substantial program cuts and probable layoffs, their own ranks and salaries have been growing far faster than faculty and staff, at rates far outpacing changes in student enrollment.

Listen at:


United Academics stands with our staff colleagues in support of their right to Organize!

UA Vice-President John Forbes spoke in support of the VSEA petition to the Vermont Labor Board.

“It is time for the staff to organize and have a say in their own working conditions the way United Academics and the United Electrical Workers, the Nurses and the Bus Drivers do. When we sit down across the bargaining table with the UVM Administration to negotiate the terms of our employment, the Administration has to care because we formed a Union and they are required to care. They may not like it and I’m pretty sure they don’t, but about that, guess what – We Don’t Care! Our rights to have a say in our employment are guaranteed

United Academics’ full-time faculty, along with the United Electrical Workers, are currently in their own fights for a fair contract. Next year, U.A.’s part-time faculty and the nurses will begin their negotiations for their own fair contracts.

We all look forward to a time, very soon we hope, when the Staff’s Union will have that same opportunity.. The opportunity to speak out for their members about salaries and benefits and working conditions, and the opportunity to negotiate a fair contract, rather than having a contract dictated to them.”

Solidarity Watch: Retail Workers finding better conditions when the union steps in

This article in the New York Times discusses the differences in hours, pay and working conditions between union-represented and unrepresented retail workers in New York City. Union workers can have guaranteed schedules and earn as much as $40,000 per year, while non-union workers across the street learn their schedules two days in advance and make half as much. Unions are more relevant than ever in today's cutthroat workplace!

UVM Administration forces 2/20 on another unrepresented group

UVM's unrepresented faculty just received notice that the Administration is applying their inadequate 2/20 compensation formula, previously forced on the unrepresented staff, to them as well.

The 2/20 formula involves a meager 2% raise, along with a 20% increase in the percentage of health insurance premium the employee is responsible for.

For employees with a family health plan, their net raise is negative if they make just under $40,000 or just under $50,000 before the "raise" - three separate health insurance increases (the 20%, the increase in premium share from going over $40,000 or $50,000 and a 3% year-to year premium increase from Blue Cross) combine to more than consume the 2% pay increase.

Other employees with a family health plan face either a ~1% net raise if the 2% raise doesn't push their income across $10,000 boundary or a near-zero (well under 0.5%) raise if they are unlucky enough to cross a boundary.

Some interesting links from local media on the situation at UVM

Both the Vermont Cynic, UVM's student newspaper, and have written about issues of interest to United Academics in the past few days.

From the Cynic:

A staff editorial endorsing a pay raise for faculty (which is a reversal from a position the Cynic took last year).

A front-page article critical of the UVM Administration's compensation policies


An article on the University's new Incentive Based Budgeting initiative, with extensive commentary from United Academics President Denise Youngblood

UA President Denise Youngblood's Labor Day remarks - delivered at a rally in Burlington

My name is Denise Youngblood.  I have been a faculty member at UVM for 26 years and am currently the president of United Academics, the faculty union.  These are difficult times in which to be a union activist and faculty member in higher education.  Challenges to our collective bargaining rights are mounting across the country, and university administrations nationally are subscribing to a corporate model that pushes faculty, staff, and students to the periphery of university governance.  UVM is no exception.

We have been negotiating for six months with the administration for a fair and equitable contract.  This past Thursday, the administration shut down negotiations and declared impasse.  We agreed, because it was clear from their so-called counterproposals that they were not interested in true negotiation.  In its communications to the faculty, staff, and students about impasse, the administration has sought to present itself as “the University.”  I strongly disagree.  A group of highly paid administrators sitting in Waterman Bldg. is NOT the university!  We—faculty, staff, and students—the people who actually do the hard work of education, are the University!

What do we need from a new contract?  In our last contract, negotiated during the recession, we made sacrifices and givebacks as responsible university citizens.  Now the administration is asking our members in the LOWEST wage brackets to take actual CUTS in salary, due to minuscule salary increases and an exorbitant rise in the percentage we pay for health care premiums.  This is indefensible.  But our negotiations have been about much more than salary and health care.  For example,  United Academics has always stood strong for the most defenseless in our ranks—the lecturers.  We are working to get modest severance pay, so that a senior lecturer who taught at UVM for 15 years will not get booted out without a penny while the administration gives themselves outlandish golden parachutes and pay increases.

              The administration has attempted to pit faculty, students, and students against one another.  We are here to say NO! and to stand together in solidarity.  We need your support.  Stop Corporate U.!

Full Time Contract Negotiations Reach Impasse


After a prolonged bargaining process, United Academics and the administration of the University of Vermont reached impasse on Thursday, August 28th at approximately 3:45 pm.  It is unfortunate that we were unable to reach a fair contract through the bargaining process and equally unfortunate that the administration led us to believe that they had one last offer to bring forward after begging us to delay impasse.  We declined a delay in declaring impasse (which had already happened at the request of the Administration team), agreed to suspend our public campaign until 5pm today in anticipation of UVM’s offer and were blindsided by their press release in place of an actual offer. For all of that we are confident in the strength of our union and the justice of our positions. 

We thank our bargaining team, our members and our community allies for their support in the process thus far. We ask all of you to support us as we continue along the path that will ultimately lead us to a fair contract.

At this point, we begin the public phase of our campaign. We will be speaking out for the principle of a democratic University as a community of faculty, students, staff and administrators committed to learning together and working together for the public good. We are disappointed in the Administration’s behavior, typified by their last “faux impasse” stunt, that has led to our being unable to reach an agreement on a contract that respects these principles. We welcome the opportunity to work with the wider Burlington labor movement for justice for all workers.

United Academics is in solidarity with students and staff in support of high quality, affordable, personalized, public higher education. Our working conditions are our students’ learning conditions!


Denise Youngblood

President, United Academics

phone: (802) 238-8785