Retroactive paychecks coming

A message from your union, which brought you protection of sabbatical benefits

Dear colleagues,

Today, some administrative detail: many of you have been asking about when you will receive your retroactive pay. UVM’s Human Resource Services and Division of Finance are putting together all the details. 

Your individualized salary letter should be out soon, and will contain the details of your FY18 and FY19 salaries. Our best information at this point is that faculty can expect to receive a lump sum for their FY18 increase retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018 (minus applicable taxes and any dues/fees) by the end of July. University retirement contributions will be made on these retro payments, as applicable. 

If you taught or are teaching a summer class which is being administered through CDE, you may also be eligible for retroactive pay for the period May 21 and June 15, 2018. If this is the case, this retro pay should be calculated and payment made to you by the end of July.  

If you were paid for supplemental or additional work you were contracted to perform between January 1 and June 15, 2018, AND your rate of compensation was contingent on your base salary, then you can expect to receive a lump sum payment for any retroactive monies owed, minus applicable taxes and any dues/fees deductions, by mid-August.

Again, the raise pool increase for FY18, this past year, is 1.5% ATB, 1% performance, and for FY19 and 20, 2% ATB and 1% performance, for a total of 8.5% over the three years of the contract. 

Thanks, and keep in touch.

Tom Streeter

President, United Academics


United Academics is the union of full- and part-time faculty at University of Vermont, with over 700 members from departments and colleges across the campus. We represent faculty in negotiating and upholding contracts, and we advocate for fair labor practices within and beyond our academic community. We are a member-led union­ committed to academic freedom, shared governance, social and environmental justice.


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