Fact finder’s report now in hand, rally tomorrow 12:00-1:30

Dear colleagues,

I write to report that the fact finder’s report has arrived, and to encourage you to come to an event tomorrow at noon in front of Bailey Howe. 

The fact finder recommends raises notably better than anything proposed by the administration during negotiations or mediation. It’s not the best we could have hoped for, and includes some irritations, but it is solid. The report vindicates our position on salaries. (More details will be provided at the DA meeting this Friday at Friday, May 11, 3:00- 4:30pm, Bailey Howe conference room; all UA members are welcome.) 

This means it is basically now in the administration’s hands. The long term history is that the Vermont Labor Relations Board almost always goes with the fact finder’s report, so there is every reason for both sides to go with the fact finder’s numbers rather than continuing to haggle. The law requires both sides to enter into negotiation for 20 days once the report appears, and since as far as we are concerned, there’s very little left to talk about, we hope the administration sees reason and settles quickly

But they could use some encouragement. Plan to drop by a SHOW US THE CONTRACT/FUND THE FACULTY event outside Bailey Howe, tomorrow, May 9, from 12:00-1:30. Faculty and students can stop by for just a minute to pick up an energy bar (to keep up our energy as we take and grade finals and deal with the administration’s endless foot dragging) and a fact sheet about UVM finances and spending priorities. At 1:00 pm we’ll take a SHOW US THE CONTRACT group photo. Drop by for a few minutes or for the whole time. (RSVP is optional, but appreciated.) 

And remember to reach out to others in your departments and colleges who may not be involved in the union. It is in faculty’s interest to be members, but also new members send a message to the administration that UA is trusted and should be taken seriouslyA few more members could really make a difference. So please keep talking to your colleagues, asking them about their concerns about working at UVM, answering their questions about the union and what it does for all of us, and if they are not members, ask them to join. Contact Katlyn Morris for some tips about how to do this effectively. 

Always happy to hear from you.


Tom Streeter

President, United Academics




United Academics is the union of full- and part-time faculty at University of Vermont, with over 700 members from departments and colleges across the campus. We represent faculty in negotiating and upholding contracts, and we advocate for fair labor practices within and beyond our academic community. We are a member-led union­ committed to academic freedom, shared governance, social and environmental justice.


Get to know us at www.unitedacademics.org, and United Academics on Facebook