Dear colleagues,
I write to alert you about a Special Members Meeting we are holding to discuss the layoffs and cuts to FTEs, as well as the CAS Dean’s announcement that many introductory classes will now have much larger caps of 60 students. The meeting will be on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. in John Dewey Lounge (Old Mill). Come for any part of the meeting. Please invite your students and colleagues. We want to make sure students and faculty know what is going on. We also want to strategize about responses. Although CAS is most directly affected at this moment, these layoffs and curricular changes pose threats to all faculty and have ripple effects across all ranks and units.
And a reminder about more opportunities to get involved in the union . . .
We currently have the following office/seats open
Full-time Member at large of the Executive Council (one-semester replacement and/or 2 year-term)
Delegates Assembly (Delegates for Rubenstein, CEMS, CALS, and CAS)
Get involved in union leadership! It’s meaningful service that makes a difference in our working conditions and campus culture.
As always, please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.
All best,
Sarah Alexander