Part-Time Faculty Contract Benefits Event Tomorrow

Hi all, Reminder to please join us tomorrow, Thursday, from 1:30-2:30pm. 

Hope to see many of you then!

Dear United Academics part-time faculty members,

Please join us next Thursday to learn how to take advantage of the benefits we’ve fought to get into our Collective Bargaining Agreement. We will discuss Professional Development Funds, the new Part Time faculty teaching award, per diem payment for additional work, and more!

Join us on Thursday, March 21 from 1:30-2:30pm, in Waterman 427A.

Please RSVP and direct questions to:

If you are unable to attend but would like more information, want to schedule another time for a chat, or have ideas for a spring/summer event for part-time faculty, please let us know!


Katlyn Morris, UA Executive Director

Katherine Elmer, UA Executive Council member

Brian Tokar, UA Part-time faculty contract bargaining team member