Dear UVM part-time faculty members,
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the summer. I am writing to make sure you are aware of a few opportunities and key dates, so you can take full advantage of the Collective Bargaining Agreement your union has worked so hard to negotiate.
First, you are entitled to participate in faculty orientation this August, and for the first time ever in your contract, you are entitled to payment for participation (see articles 16.12 and 18.8 for details). We have heard from many of you over the years that there is a need for an orientation on UVM procedures, so this can be your opportunity, even if you are no longer 'new faculty'. Faculty orientation will take place August 19 and 20. You must register to attend orientation and to receive payment for attendance; please let me know if you are interested in attending either or both of those dates.
Promotion: For part-time faculty who have taught at least 36 credits over 6 or more years, you are eligible for promotion from 'Lecturer I' to 'Lecturer II', which comes with a one-time promotion bonus of $2000 and a higher per-credit payment. Part-time faculty who have taught 60 credits or more over 10 or more years are eligible for promotion from 'Lecturer II' to 'Lecturer III' (also receiving a bonus). You must notify your chair by October 1 if you wish to be reviewed for promotion. Details are available here: and you can contact me if you have questions about the process.
Finally, your chair’s annual performance evaluation summary should be provided to you by August 31. You as faculty members have 30 days to submit a rebuttal following receipt of the evaluation. Evaluations and rebuttals are filed in the Academic Record File.
Some chairs do not provide these without being requested to do so; we recommend that you request an annual review before that date. It is required under the contract, and these reviews provide an important record of your work and basis for your promotion. Please let us know if you request an evaluation, and if you have any questions or issues during the process.
As always, please reach out with any questions.
Best wishes,
Katlyn Morris
Executive Director, United Academics