Contract Tip: Changes to summer course pay

Faculty can view this and other contract tips as PDF documents on our Contract Tips page.

Dear UA faculty,

Be advised that the pay rate for summer courses will be different this summer 2022 than in the past. As a result of our most recent negotiations with the administration, the pay rate for this summer will be $2518 per credit (2.75% of the average full time faculty base salary). The Collective Bargaining Agreement relevant article (19.6.b) says: "Effective for the summer session of 2022, summer session course rates shall be the same as the supplemental rates specified in Section 3.c.i of this Article or 2.75% of the average (mean) base salary of bargaining unit faculty, (as adjusted for 1.0 FTE as necessary, calculated as of December 1 of the year preceding the summer session) for each credit hour taught, whichever is greater."  

The average bargaining unit faculty salary on Dec. 1 (adjusted to 1.0) was $91,558, and 2.75% of that is $2518.  This is greater than the 19.3.c.i rate of $2100, so the pay rate for this summer will be $2518 per credit for all full time faculty. This change is only in effect for this summer, unless UA and the administration renegotiate this. 

We are aware that some administrators had sent out a communication with a different interpretation of this, so hopefully this clarifies the 2022 summer course rate. Please let our Contract Administration Committee know if you have any questions: