UA response to UVM's lifting of mask mandate

Dear Faculty,

UVM dropped its mask mandate on March 19, announcing the change to the entire community on March 16. Our Executive Council met to discuss how best to respond to this and to consider what options there may be for faculty who could be imperiled by this shift. We requested that UVM delay the lifting of the mask mandate by one week to give us more time to prepare, and to let more time pass after UVM spring break and after the Burlington school system lifted its mask mandate for all schoolchildren on Monday. They were not willing to delay this.

We asked the administration if faculty will be able to require masks in their own classroom. Gary Derr indicated that faculty cannot require this. However, as faculty you can discuss masking with your classes and request mask-wearing if you or a student in your class is particularly vulnerable. We consider this to be a reasonable option and a way to care for one another and our community. This would be a similar situation in an office setting or during office hours or meetings. 

We have also indicated our position that faculty who are or have family members who are particularly vulnerable should be able to shift to remote instruction as the mask mandate is lifted. The administration has indicated that this would only be possible in cases where there is a documented medical condition or special circumstance.

We are disappointed, but not surprised, that the administration did not approach us sooner to share this with us or to invite faculty feedback. (However, the administration anticipated this plan long enough in advance to script, record, and produce Garimella’s “Ensuring Student Success” video, which was released on March 17.)

  • If you plan to request special arrangements or a longer term modality change, we encourage you to contact us so we can support you in the process.

  • Remember that if you need to take a short-term ‘leave’ (sick days, children’s sick days, etc.) for less than two weeks, you can make arrangements with your Chair, which could include short-term remote instruction, in accordance with Article 20.6.

  • Email the Provost and President to share your concerns, and copy so we can track these. 

  • If you encourage continued mask wearing in class or office and encounter any issues, please let us know. We will be following this situation closely and will work with individual faculty who need support.