UVM Salary Data and Comparisons
2014-2015 UVM Base Pay (Excel)
2013-2014 UVM Base Pay data (Excel)
Dedication: Will Miller 1940-2005
This page is dedicated to Will Miller (1940-2005), a lifelong fighter in the struggle for peace and social justice who taught in the Philosophy Department at the University of Vermont for 35 years. Will recognized the need for a faculty union at UVM long before it became a reality. He was instrumental in the effort to get the faculty placed under the jurisdiction of the Vermont Labor Relations Board and to clarify UVM's status as a public institution.
Because UVM is a public institution, salary data are available to the public. For years, this information was only accessible at the Bailey Howe Library Reserve Desk. Though it was among the most checked-out documents, it was not accessible to those who could not get to the library while the Reference Desk was open, or who were wary of being seen checking it out. Will began posting this information on his web site in 1993-1994 as a public service to the UVM and Vermont community. We continue this tradition in his memory.
For more information on the history of organizing at UVM, read Will's article: "Unionizing at the University of Vermont" from Thought and Action: The NEA Higher Education Journal, Vol VI., No. 1, (Spring 1990). You can read this article, and all of Will's writing, by visiting Will's archived UVM page, which is chock full of fascinating and provocative material. The page is hosted by the Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series page, a site dedicated to Will and his legacy..
How UVM Faculty Salaries Stack Up
The salary tables linked at left show how average UVM salaries and compensation compare to 13 other institutions that UVM's Administration has labeled as our "peer" or "aspirant" schools, once cost of living differences have been taken into account. The data used to produce these tables are given in the appendices. Source citations for all data may be found in the tables or appendices.
As the tables show:
UVM's average faculty salary is $15,600 below the average salary of peer institutions; UVM's rank is 11 out of 11.
UVM's average faculty compensation is $17,800 below the average compensation of peer institutions; UVM's rank is 11 out of 11.
Comparing within individual ranks, again adjusting for cost of living, UVM salary and compensation are below the average of the peer institutions at every rank:
The average UVM salary deficit ranges from -$7,100 (Assistant Professors) to -$21,100 (Full Professors).
The average UVM compensation deficit ranges from -$8,200 (Assistant Professors) to -$25,300 (Full Professors).
UVM's rank order is near the bottom in every rank category, ranging from 9/11 (Assistant Professor compensation) to 11/11 (Full Professor salary).
How Administrative Salaries have outpaced the Faculty
While UVM’s top administrators warn of substantial program cuts and layoffs, their own ranks and salaries have been growing far faster than faculty and staff, at rates far outpacing enrollment growth.
UA has analyzed salary data from 2003-2012. Across that decade, the average salary for a top administrator increased significantly faster than faculty pay, a total of 53% over the past decade (see chart, above). The average administrator salary is now $210,851, or 2.65 times the average salary of a full-time faculty member.
The total spent on salaries for top-level administrators (President, Provost, Deans, and Vice-Presidents) more than doubled, growing 132.4%, an annualized growth rate of 9.82%. During that same period, the total salary pool for full-time faculty grew at less than half that rate, 4.87%.
The number of top-level administrative positions expanded over 52% over this period, from 23 to 35, outpacing student enrollment (up 40%) or the size of the full-time faculty, which grew only 10%.